proEQUIB - IDL/GDL Library for Plasma Diagnostics and Abundance Analysis

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The proEQUIB library is a collection of Interactive Data Language (IDL)/GNU Data Language (GDL) programs developed to perform plasma diagnostics and abundance analysis using emission line fluxes measured in ionzed nebulae. It uses the AtomNeb IDL library to read collision strengths and transition probabilities for collisionally excited lines (CEL), and recombination coefficients for recombination lines (RL). This IDL package can be used to determine interstellar extinctions, electron temperatures, electron densities, and ionic abundances from the measured fluxes of emission lines. It mainly contains the follwing API functions written purely in IDL/GDL:


Dependent IDL Packages

Installation in IDL

  • To install the proEQUIB library in the Interactive Data Language (IDL), you need to add the path of this package directory to your IDL path. For more information about the path management in IDL, read the tips for customizing IDL program path provided by Harris Geospatial Solutions or the IDL library installation note by David Fanning in the Coyote IDL Library.
  • This package requires IDL version 7.1 or later.

Installation in GDL

  • You can install the GNU Data Language (GDL) if you do not have it on your machine:

    • Linux (Fedora):
    sudo dnf install gdl
    • Linux (Ubuntu):
    sudo apt-get install gnudatalanguage
    • OS X:
    brew install gnudatalanguage
  • To install the proEQUIB library in GDL, you need to add the path of this package directory to your .gdl_startup file in your home directory:

    !PATH=!PATH + ':/home/proEQUIB/pro/'
    !PATH=!PATH + ':/home/proEQUIB/externals/misc/'
    !PATH=!PATH + ':/home/proEQUIB/externals/astron/pro/'
    !PATH=!PATH + ':/home/proEQUIB/externals/atomneb/pro/'

    You may also need to set GDL_STARTUP if you have not done in .bashrc (bash):

    export GDL_STARTUP=~/.gdl_startup

    or in .tcshrc (cshrc):

    setenv GDL_STARTUP ~/.gdl_startup
  • This package requires GDL version 0.9.8 or later.

How to Use

The Documentation of the IDL functions provides in detail in the API Documentation (

See Jupyter Notebooks: Notebooks.ipynb

Run Jupyter Notebooks on Binder:

There are three main object units:


For more information on how to use the API functions from the proEQUIB libray, please read the API Documentation published on



Using the proEQUIB IDL library in a scholarly publication? Please cite these papers:

  author = {{Danehkar}, Ashkbiz},
  title = {proEQUIB: IDL Library for Plasma Diagnostics and Abundance Analysis},
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
  volume = {3},
  number = {32},
  pages = {899},
  year = {2018},
  doi = {10.21105/joss.00899}

and if you use the pyEQUIB Python package:

  author = {{Danehkar}, Ashkbiz},
  title = {pyEQUIB Python Package, an addendum to proEQUIB: IDL Library
           for Plasma Diagnostics and Abundance Analysis},
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
  volume = {5},
  number = {55},
  pages = {2798},
  year = {2020},
  doi = {10.21105/joss.02798}

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Issues & Ideas
DOI 10.21105/joss.00899
Archive 10.5281/zenodo.1890336